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Sophos Techvids – Expert Tutorials & Cybersecurity Insights
The Techvids library gives you access to in-depth video tutorials, product demos, and troubleshooting guides to enhance your fundamental cybersecurity knowledge and get the most out of your products.
Active Malware Remediation: Self-Help Videos
Active Malware Remediation: Getting Started
Jelan from Sophos Support goes over the initial steps to identify the malware infection you have and how to handle it. -------...
Active Malware Remediation: Coin Miners
Jelan from Sophos Support goes over how to identify and remediate Coin Miner infections. --------------------------------...
Active Malware Remediation: Ransomware
Jelan from Sophos Support goes over how to handle Ransomware attacks as well as the Sophos best practices to prevent this from ...
Active Malware Remediation: Trickbot & Emotet
Jay from Sophos Support goes over the steps to handle an Emotet or TrickBot infection in your environment. Skip ahead to these...
Active Malware Remediation Malicious LNK [Shortcut] Worms
Jay from Sophos Support goes over the proper steps to take when dealing with a Shortcut LNK worm infection. Skip ahead to thes...